quarter 4
of contour, so the preparation was carried
past the fractures, but still well above
the gingiva. The MOD inlay on the first
bicuspid carried through to eliminate
the fractures present on the mesial
marginal ridge.
The tissue was troughed with a diode
laser and the preparations were scanned.
The models were articulated and margins
for each restoration were drawn. The
insertion axis was determined for each
restoration and the initial proposal was
generated. With CEREC, when a proposal
for Biogeneric Individual is generated
and there is no opposing tooth, the initial
proposal will try to reach for a non-exis-
tent contact. This leads to a proposal for a
very tall crown that would not fit into the
rest of the occlusal plane (Fig. 3).
Now is when the additional catalog of
the pre-operative tooth can be helpful.
By overlaying the Biogeneric Copy we
can see where the original tooth was in
the arch form and the plane of occlu-
sion. With the use of the Move and Shape
tools we can quickly position the proposal
within the confines of the preoperative
condition (Figs. 4-5). The design process
Fig. 3: Initial proposal when no
opposing is present.
Fig. 4: The Move tool is used to
position the restoration within
the confines of the pre-operative
Fig. 5: The pre-operative scan serves
as a guide for positioning the
Fig 6: The Final proposals on the
virtual model.