CEREC doctors.com - Q1 2016 - page 6

3D imaging for implant planning and placement. We got what
we needed. We wanted the ScanPost instead of the short TiBase
for intra-oral imaging for more predictable outcomes. And we
wanted a provisional material with a hole that fit a TiBase
that would help us during the provisionalization stage
of implant restoration. And we got what we needed.
We know there will always be things that are
wanted. Sometimes we will get them. Sometimes
we will get what we need. I know one thing you
can count on. You can count on getting everything
you need concerning CEREC from cerecdoctors.com.
Whether it concerns restorative part of your practice, whether
you are interested in orthodontics and oral appliances, whether
your interests lie in the latest in implants, we have what you need.
With a website that boasts over 1900 videos and a robust discus-
sion board, with hands-on courses that will help you be proficient
with your technology and memberships like the Academy that
offers benefits to help you and your team be efficient in your prac-
tice, we have you covered.
We not only have what you need: we believe you will have the
satisfaction of knowing you will ultimately get what you want of
your CEREC technology. Enjoy!
For questions and additional information, Dr. Fleming can be
reached at
cerecdoctors.com Magazine
| Sameer Puri, D.D.S.
clinical editor
| Mark Fleming, D.D.S.
| John Roark
contributing editor
| Lauren Vasquez
magazine design
| Craig Kurtz Design
cover design
| Nate Allen, Myriad Interactive
For sales and membership information, please contact:
product manager
| Elizabeth Manji
877-295-4276; cerecdoctors.com
Farhad E. Boltchi, D.M.D., M.S. | Michael DiTolla, D.D.S., F.A.G.D.
Dennis J. Fasbinder, D.D.S., A.B.G.D. | Mark Fleming, D.D.S.
Gisele F. Neiva, D.D.S., M.S. | Darin O’Bryan, D.D.S.
Dr. Dhaval Patel | Sameer Puri, D.D.S.
Mike Skramstad, D.D.S. | Andre Valcanaia, D.D.S.
Daniel Vasquez, D.D.S. |
it’s the end of one year and the beginning of another.
A time to reflect and a time to think about the now. I think I’ll
start with the reflecting part first.
I’ve been around cerecdoctors.com since nearly the beginning. According to my old username and password which included
numbers, I was probably part of the fist ten people that paid for an online membership.
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B Y M A R K F L E M I N G , D . D . S .
You Can’tAlways Get What YouWant …
… But If You Try Sometimes, Well, YouMight Find You Get What You Need
—The Rolling Stones
I remember when videos were made on Italian table cloths and
phones going off could be heard in the background. A little known
fact is that the website was started so ALL instruction could be
done online and no longer would people be tied up doing
courses. Young Dr. Puri did not exactly get what he
wanted, but I think he got what he needed.
And what about the now? Personally, I find it
intriguing listening to the comments made when
a new software comes out. Many times people
wonder why things change, where’s their favorite
feature from the previous version, etc. I remember the
weeping and gnashing of teeth when the Pre-positioning tool was
dropped fromthe software. EveryoneWANTEDit back!!!TheBiojaw
feature of the 4.4 software has been a great addition that replaces it.
Dr. Mike Skramstad has an article that shows the advantages of using
this Biojaw feature. Maybe we just got what we needed.
Of course, there are things we have wanted and have received.
Many have believed from a restorative standpoint the last horizon
that needed to be crossed was to be able to have the option of
having the use of zirconia chairside. Well, Dentsply Sirona has
really come through by adding chairside milling of zirconia with a
chairside software version. Read more about this groundbreaking
development in this issue.
Also, in Dr. Farhad Boltchi’s article, several of these “wants”
are talked about. We wanted integration between CEREC and
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