quarter 2
with sirona's exciting release of
software version 4.2, we also have the
introduction of newmaterials by multiple
manufacturers. These blocks will offer
many more clinical options both estheti-
cally and functionally. Some will even
allow us to do additional procedures not
possible inearlier versions of the software.
Here is a brief look at these new mate-
rials and how they will affect your clin-
ical workflow.
Vita and Dentsply
The collaboration of VITA Zahnfabrik,
Degudent GmbH and the Faunhofer
Institute for Silicate Research ISC
has lead to the development of a new
generation of glass ceramics called
ZLS (zirconia-reinforced lithium sili-
cate). The material will be marketed by
VITA under the name Suprinity and by
Dentsply as Celtra.
What distinguishes this new material
fromothers is that it has around 10 percent
zironiabyweight (not volume) infused into
the glass ceramic. This proportion is close
to 10 times higher than that of a traditional
glass ceramic. It also has a homogenous
structure due to the uniform, fine-grain
size of roughly 500nm.
The images (Fig. 1, VITA Suprinity, and
Fig. 2, Dentsply Celtra), show two types
of blocks. The see through glass blocks
on the left are partially crystallized blocks
that require a firing cycle (VITA Suprinity
and Celtra CAD). The blocks on the right
are fully crystallized and have the option
to be simply hand polished
(VITA Suprinity FC and
Celtra Duo). Specific kits
will be available for this
New Materials on the Block
for CEREC SW 4.2
More Choices FromVita, Dentsply, Sirona and Ivoclar
m at e r i a l s
| | |
b y M i k e S k r a m s ta d , d . D . s .
trying to restore a tooth with a ceramic,
we should visualize the same. This has
been difficult for a number of reasons,
but the main limiting factor has been
the position of the restoration within the
block. Sirona’s CEREC Blocs C (Fig. 3)
and the software algorithm created for
these blocks have solved this issue.
If you look at a software diagram of
these blocks, you can see the dentin core
in the center (Fig. 4). This core ismodeled
after the shape of dentin in natural teeth.
The rest of the block is translucent
enamel. The key to the process is using
an algorithm to correctly position the
restoration in the block. This will lead to
correct color and translucency.
If you selected SironaCERECBlocs C in
polishing procedure. The 3-point flexural
strengths of the two materials are around
420MPa for the partially crystallized
blocks and 200MPa for the fully crystal-
lized version.
These materials have been shown to
have impressive edge stability and preci-
sion. They will be indicated for anterior
and posterior crowns, implant crowns,
inlays, onlays, and veneers. Expect to
see the Suprinity blocks released in the
fall and the Celtra blocks with a limited
shade release in late summer.
Sirona Dental Systems
When visualizing the natural tooth, we
have an interaction between chromatic
dentin and translucent enamel. When
Fig. 1 Vita Suprinity
Fig. 2 Two forms of Dentsply Celtra
Fig. 3 Sirona CEREC Bloc C
Fig. 4 View of dentin core of Bloc C
Fig. 5 Selecting color of Bloc C in
Mill Phase
Fig. 6 Adjusting the thickness of
incisal enamel
Fig. 7 Position of restoration in block
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