quarter 2
dr. gregory mark studied medicine
in the former Soviet Union before gradu-
ated with honors from NYU. Today, he
runs a 10,000-patient-strong practice that
manages to add another 50 patients every
month. He prefers working on what he
calls “complicated” procedures, including
sinus lifts, implant placements and full-
mouth rehabilitation cases. Here, he
discusseswhyCEREC is his CAD-CAMof
choice for his favorite kind of work.
howlonghave you been inPractice?
I have been practicing dentistry since 1988,
after graduating from Tashkent Medical
University located in the former Soviet
Union. Upon coming to theUnited States, I
graduated with honors from the School of
Dentistry at NYU in 1995. I openedmy first
private practice in 1996, and until recently
practiced there. In January of 2006, I relo-
cated to a new, beautifully renovated office
in the heart of Forest Hills, N.Y., with state-
of-the-art technology.
what is the size of your practice?
My office is a little over 1,500 square feet.
We currently have more than 10,000
patients and are averaging about 50 new
patients each month. The staff consists
of three front-desk patient coordinators,
one treatment-plan coordinator, a billing
manager, four assistants, one full-time
and one part-time hygienist, one full-time
associate and one part-time periodontist.
howmany operatories does ithave?
I have five fully equipped operatories
with a similar layout. There
are two hygiene and three
restorative/surgical opera-
tories. One of the rooms is a
ADigital- and Technology-loving Doctor
ExplainsWhy CEREC Is ‘Superior to all the rest’
Dr. Gregory Mark
p r o f i l e
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b y m a r k f l e m i n g , d . D . S .
patients loved the technology because
we were able to avoid multiple visits to
the office. It made a big difference for
those patients that have emergencies or
needed to travel soon and did not want to
go on a trip with a temporary restoration.
howdoes this technologyfit into
your office philosophy?
My team and I are always looking for
a new way to improve our practice so
that we can provide the highest quality
of care. We were looking for something
that would wow our patients and give us
the ability to deliver better quality, more
conservative and longer-lasting restora-
tions. This is exactly what I get with the
CEREC system. We are also looking for
ways to reduce the overhead of the prac-
tice. With this technology we were able
to eliminate approximately 95 percent of
our monthly lab bill, and it saved us chair
time by reducing the two- and three-visit
restoration appointments.
howdoes cerec impact your
Ever since I started my journey with
CEREC, I have WOWED all my patients.
They recorded the designing and milling
processes on their phones and posted it
on YouTube and Facebook. This has led
to more internal referrals than ever. The
word spread among my community that
we do extremely conservative, estheti-
cally pleasing and one-visit restorations.
That caused a big boom in my practice.
Patients appreciate not having to come
back multiple times and get multiple
injections, and I appreciate not having to
dependon the lab forperfect restorations.
I love having full control of restoration
dedicated surgical/implant room and the
other two are general restorative rooms.
what type of dentistry do you do?
We are a general family dentistry practice
with a concentration on esthetic dentistry
and full rehabilitation cases. My associate,
Lev Kandov — who graduated from Stony
Brook School of Dental Medicine and did
his residency there as well —was trained in
CEREC restorations and full-mouth reha-
bilitation cases on implants. He performs
general and cosmetic dentistry, sees the
restores implants. I prefer to do the more
complicated procedures such as sinus lifts,
bone grafting and augmentation, implant
placement and restorations, and quadrant
and full-mouth rehabilitation cases.
We develop facially generated treat-
ment plans utilizing programs like
Dolphin, Simplant, Planmeca 3-D cone
beam and CEREC. We are fully digital,
using Eaglesoft for digital imaging and
charting, intraoral photographs, new-
patient online forms (Dentvisor soft-
ware), and magnifying and recording
during procedures using MagnaVu. All
of these pieces of technology combine to
make challenging cases easier and ensure
that we end up with predictable results.
why is cerec your cad/cam choice?
After doing much research, I came to a
realization that CEREC was superior to
all of its competitors. We first joined the
CEREC community in 2007. The quality
of the restorations was unsurpassed.
I was able to perform a higher quality
of dentistry because I had full control
of the restorations, thus increasing my
functional and esthetic outcomes. The
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