quarter 2
lower-anterior, two-implant overdenture
cases. To maximize results and minimize
complications, dentists performing implant
surgery with or without guides should be
trained in:
• Flap reflection
• Suturing techniques
• Anesthesia techniques
• Handling complications
• Purchasing the right equipment and
using it correctly
should gps include implant-
placement services in their
In order to stay current and marketable
in today’s competitive healthcare land-
scape, implants should be an integral
part of every general practitioner’s array
of services —if for no other reason than
to stay on the same level with Dr. Smith
down the street. With so much marketing
by large implant companies, the general
public ismuchmoreawareof implantsand
their benefits. Patients come in to dental
practices asking about them. If you don’t
have implants on your list of services, you
will be doing your patients and yourself a
disservice. Of course, there will be cases
you should refer to specialists.
howcan an implant practice
separate itself from the big chain
Considering the emerging effect of the
big chain offices, marketing will become
increasingly important in the years ahead.
Unfortunately, most dentists aren’t very
good at it. Actually, branding comes first.
When people in your area think of you,
what words and images pop into their
minds and what emotions do they feel?
Those words, images and emotions are
your brand. In my practice, I work very
hard at positioningmyself as the premiere
dental implant expert. Confidence is the
keyword and emotion I promote. Dentists
just need to decide what they want to be
(their brand) and then spread the word
effectively (marketing).
Your brand is also a promise youmake to
people. Before their design flaws became
apparent in 2010, Toyota’s brand promise
was high quality. They broke their promise
and are still recovering from the effects of
that. This is why having the right equip-
ment, instrumentation and skills are so
important in the dental profession. They
enable dentists to keep their promises.
After you’ve established your brand, you
non-traditional marketing methods. Espe-
cially important is a website that attracts
people looking for dental-specific services
and then effectively influences them to call
you. Most dental websites I’ve seen are just
fancy brochures. Both dental implants and
CEREC dentistry is associated with high-
end, quality work and personalized service,
whilemuchof thebig chainoffices are asso-
ciatedwith just theopposite. So these things
will help in branding one as a quality, high-
end and personal-touch office.
where is this headed in the future?
I don’t know for sure. And that’s what
makes it all so exciting! In general, I’m
sure the procedures, equipment and tech-
nologywill improve. There are a lot of very
smart and extremely motivated people
and companies out there. I know Sirona is
one of the leading innovators. The quality
and quantity of training will also improve.
I’m looking forward to being an important
part of that training piece of the puzzle.
do you have plans to engage more
with the cerecdoctors.com
Absolutely. I’ve trained and/or worked
with CEREC doctors FrankMaximo, Ray
Kessler, Gary Torres, Daniel Vasquez,
Michael Scoles, Obdulia Rondon, Francis
Shin, John Jou and others. They are
some of THEmost dedicated and consci-
entious people in our profession. I look
forward to adding to the list and forming
more mutually beneficial relationships.
what is the family life
of the director of implant
seminars like?
Busy. I have a wife and three boys who I
thoroughly enjoy and love. The kids are
growing up so fast — I should refer to
them as young men. But to me, they will
always be my little boys. They frequently
accompany me on my travels. It’s a joy
to show them the world, and they’re
developing a real eclectic palette when it
comes to dining during the travels.
My wife and kids joinedme on a recent
trip to the Dominican Republic. It was
fun to watch the kids mingle with the
doctors and the Dominican people who
are so warm and loving. They also had a
chance to volunteer in the clinic. My wife
and I can’t wait to see what the world has
in store for them. Of course, threedentists
in the making would be a dream for me. I
can’t help but fantasize about how much
more exciting and rewarding the dental
profession will be for my children.
Dr. Garg frequently uses the word
“journey.” Learning to place and restore
implants isn’t a destination; it’s a journey
– two journeys, actually. An outer journey
where GPs attend courses, refine their
skills, add equipment to their practices
and provide enhanced services to their
patients. And an inner journey where
GPs gain confidence in their abilities and
pride in their work. Don’t neglect the
inner journeys of life. Outer journeys will
give you financial success. Inner jour-
neys create fulfillment.
Dr. Garg offers valuable insight and
encourages doctors to start or continue
their journeys to implant excellence.
And remember, everyone at cerecdoc-
tors.com and Sirona are here to help
along your way.
For questions and more information,
Dr. Maximo can be reached at
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