quarter 4
watchTVandrelax.Wetellpatients toexpect tobeat theoffice
twohourswithonlyabout 30minutes of that beingworkedon.
Also, train your assistants. Don’t want to train them your-
selves? Send them to me and I’ll train them!
Jeff Zaffos | Westbury, N.Y.
So, I agree withmany things that have been said
on the topic, but I have questions.
Darin has shown that CEREC Guide is very successful
and that all like the OptiGuide. There are times that I have
patients that either have significant C&B restorations or
are partially/completely edentulous. I have been using
Classic Guides for these cases, but it takes the digital out of
a digital office. What suggestions can be offered?
Robert Schmitz | Locust Valley, N.Y.
While the scan is being constructed I image
the arch and design the restoration for export.
From there it is uploaded to the CT and design is done.
Darin, I amwaiting for twoOptiGuides to come back from
SICAT, both were scanned off the models taken the day of
the 3-D. 3-D was read immediately, and implant proposal
made. Patient was booked for surgery.Modelswere scanned
during free time and proposals get imported. Final place-
ment verified and tweaked, and cases submitted to SICAT.
Implants and healing abutments have been ordered.
Again, I am waiting for the guides to be returned. I will
only know then how good this turns out, but the work flow
seemed less, and even less chair time for the patient.
August de Oliveira | Encino, Calif.
Here is a case I did (recently). Total timewas about
1.5 hours, which included a polished CEREC temp.
Here is another fractured pre-molar and imme-
diate temp. No ferrule, broken down #13. Could only fit a
small reference body. Assistant took alginate, poured up
Mach 2 model, I adapt the thermoplast and place Refer-
ence Body — this is at the 15 minute mark. Patient is
scanned with Reference Body.
While the CEREC Guide was being milled, we
removed the tooth and any tissue that was left in this image.
I’m still working on the CEREC Guide keys for Zimmer/
ID. Just ordered another round of prototypes and, once I
approve them, I can start production.
Implant in with great torque values. Scraped the anterior
portion of the sinus as I expanded. Not sure if I am touching
membrane or engaging the floor. Will keep an eye on it.
One problem with all non-powder-based imaging
systems is that when confronted with anything shiny you get
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