made a final decision as to his desire for a
fixed versus a removable final reconstruc-
tion and to improve the predictability and
positioning of the implants for the final
reconstructions, it was decided to stage
the final implant placements with initial
placement of transitional mini-implants
to supportmaxillary andmandibular tran-
sitional immediate dentures.
All surgicalprocedureswereperformed
under intravenous, conscious sedation
and local anesthesia. The first surgical
procedure consisted of: extraction of all
of the remaining maxillary and mandib-
ular teeth; placement of three maxil-
lary mini-implants (miniMark 2.3 mm
Locator implants with 4 mm cuff height)
and a locator abutment onto the previ-
ously placed implant in site #4; place-
ment of four mandibular mini-implants
(miniMark 2.3 mm Locator implants
with 4 mm cuff height); and immediate
attachment of maxillary and mandibular
immediate provisional dentures to the
mini-implants via a chairside hard acrylic
pick-up (Figs. 18-20).
This provided the patient with imme-
diate function after the full-mouth extrac-
tions. The patient was referred back to
his restorative dentist for various restor-
ative adjustments over the next several
months, and verification or modifications
as needed of the provisional dentures to
ensure that they met the final esthetic,
functional and phonetic requirements.
Fig. 18: Extraction of all maxillary teeth
and placement of three mini-implants
Fig. 19: Extraction of all mandibular teeth
and placement of four mini-implants
Fig. 20: Immediate attachment of
maxillary and mandibular provisional
dentures to mini-implants
Fig. 21: Maxillary radiographic template
attached to mini-implants
Fig. 22: Galileos Implant treatment
plan for maxillary implants
Fig. 23: Galileos Implant treatment
plan for mandibular implants