historically, prefabricated abut-
ments have been a convenient and useful
treatment component for implant resto-
rations. Prefabricated abutments do not
require advanced technology for produc-
tion, but dentists have been unable to
easily customize them, making it difficult
to achieve optimal contours and esthetics.
Screw-retained or cement-retained
implants both offer unique advantages
and disadvantages, while research indi-
cates that there is no significant differ-
ence between the two types.
With continued controversy over the
best technique, both can be used for
successful treatments.
Recent advancements in computer-
aided design/computer-aided manufac-
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B Y D A R I N O ’ B RYA N , D . D . S .
The patient presented with a failed
implant that resulted in a deficiency of
bone width and height, as seen in cross
sections of the GALILEOS scan (Sirona
Dental Systems, LLC) (Fig. 1). Performing
vertical augmentation or lateral augmen-
tation procedures for this patient were
contraindicated, since the mental
foramen existed exactly where the
the way implant abutments are fabricated
to support esthetic restorations.
In particular, all-ceramic abutments can
be designed via CAD/CAM techniques
and processed from a lithium disilicate
block (IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent)
to reduce the time and cost involved with
creating the ideal implant abutment. The
lithium disilicate glass-ceramic block is
milled to produce abutments designed
tions, LLC). The customized abutments
are ideal for single-tooth restorations in the
anterior or posterior region, and previous
research regarding the lithium disilicate
material supports its clinical performance
in terms of strength and adhesion.
Once designed using the CEREC soft-
butment is milled and can
omized prior to placement.
sthetic overall appearance
the natural-looking shade
disilicate block, as well as
al characteristics that can be
he root. Researchhas shown
nderlying abutment color
ences the overall color of the
-supported restoration.
mizable abutments provide a
te fit for each individual case,
ancing implant restoration
fort and esthetics. The IPS
butment also demonstrates
with the oral soft tissues.
In-office Care
With IPS e.max CAD
Abutment Solutions
Development of an Alternative
Allowing for Customization and Esthetics
Fig. 1: GALILEOS scans were taken
to determine the best approach for
Fig. 2: After the implant was placed and
allowed to fully integrate, it was deter-
mined that a screw-retained IPS e.max
CAD abutment restoration would
provide the optimal results
Fig. 3: After the implant was integrated,
the healing cap was removed and the
new scan post was placed