fit. However, I milled one yesterday with the 12 S configu-
ration and it was great too. The clinical improvement may
be negligible. But, theoretically, you are getting a more
precise fit and mill.
Bob & Pete Hoffman
Lancaster, Wisc. (U.S.)
Mike, couldyoupost apic of thefinal bridgewhen
you get it done? Iwould love to see howyoumake the embra-
sures look natural. I haven’t done a bridge in-house yet, but
have a couple coming up. I amconcerned that I won’t be able
tomake the connectors look good. Thanks, Pete.
Mike Skramstad (Faculty)
I will do that, Pete.
Ray Kessler
[In response to Mike Skramstad]
Is the 20-step smaller than the 12-step? I
routinely use 12-step and 12 S cylinder. The 12-step is 0.85
mm. Is the 20-step less?
Mike Skramstad (Faculty)
No Ray, it’s the same, just longer.
Mike Skramstad (Faculty)
Pete, here is my progress on this. It’s going in
tomorrow afternoon. I still need to work a bit
on #9, stain and glaze over lunch. Hopefully gives you an
idea on how I contour. It’s a bit time-consuming. This
probably took me at least 20 minutes over lunch today.
| | |
Obviously, in the anterior, getting the screw access hole
on the lingual is not always possible. When I do cement-
retained split cases, my margins are about 0.5 mm sub-
gingival at the most.
Daniel Vasquez | Oceanside, Calif. (U.S.)
Mike, it can not get better that that!
I loveCEREC-ingandI’mdefinitelyyourbiggest
fan. I learn tons of info, tricks and techniques fromyou.
Today, I made two bridges, four units each one, I use a
20-step bur with a 12 S cylinder, it works great. Learned
that from you! It took 40 minutes each, bridge to milled.
Thank you for being so SMARTand sharing your passion
with all of us.
Chi-Fan Tai | Taichung City (TW)
Mike, would you please explain to us what will
cause the sintered Meso block to not fit the
Ti-base? Sometimes my abutment fits perfectly, but some
of themwill have gap between them.
Glen Harvey | Toowong (AU)
Would these bridges be full thickness e.max
CAD? What is the advantage of this bur
Mike Skramstad (Faculty)
[In response to Chi-Fan Tai]
Are you only talking about zirconia, or e.max?
e.max sometimes does this until you steam it out really
well. Any speck of object fix inside the hole can cause
With zirconia and sintering, I’m not 100% sure. It could
be oven problems, bad batch of blocks, etc. I don’t sinter
my own, and they always fit. I think I heard of a few bad
batches of blocks floating around before.
Mike Skramstad (Faculty)
[In response to Glen Harvey]
Technically, the 20-step bur is smaller and can fit into
tighter spots. You will get less overmill and a more precise