the hybrid ceramic vita enamic
is an innovative CAD/CAM material.
Using a clinical case as an example, this
report explains howVITAEnamic offers
commercial benefits in comparison with
similar materials. The time required to
complete processing and the service
life of milling tools are criteria that are
worth looking at from an economic
The innovative hybrid ceramic, which
is comprised of a structure-sintered
ceramic matrix, together with an inte-
grated polymer network, offers abra-
sion behavior similar to enamel as well
as a modulus of elasticity of 30 GPa,
which is similar to that of dentin. The
hybrid ceramic demonstrates unusual
VITA Enamic
A Greater Similarity to Natural Dentition and
More Cost-effective Than Previous CAD/CAMCeramics?
In a 30-year-old patient, tooth #45 had
been fitted with an inadequate acrylic
restoration and also showed secondary
caries (Fig. 1).Thegoal of treatmentwas to
provide a new, minimally invasive resto-
ration using an inlay. VITA Enamic was
selected as the material, promising rapid
chairside fabrication in combinationwith
CERECMCXL (Sirona). Shade 2M2 was
the outcome following determination of
the correct tooth shade using VITA Easy-
shade (Fig. 2). AnHT (high translucency)
VITA Enamic block was used.
The acrylic filling and caries (Fig. 3)
were removed first, and preparation was
performed in accordancewith all-ceramic
guidelines. CEREC Optispray powder
was then applied, followed by scanning
of the prepared tooth and the antago-
nists. Digital processing of the model was
carried out using CEREC SW4.03.
Once a case was created (Fig. 4), VITA
Enamic was selected in the program as
the material (Fig. 5). Using the digital
properties thanks to a combination of
flexibility and load capacity.
For example, the static fracture load
is approximately 2,890 Newtons while
the Weibull modulus — an indication of
material reliability — is 20. As a result,
VITA Enamic is recommended as a
CAD/CAM material particularly in the
case of minimally invasive restorations
and in areas subject tohighocclusal load.
Even inlays with a wall thickness of just
0.2 mm can be reliably implemented.
During processing, the hybrid ceramic
also demonstrates high edge stability
in the case of restorations with thin
This stability, combined with inte-
grated cracking prevention, allows
milling to be performed in fast-milling
mode even if walls are thin. Thanks to
the short milling time and long service
life in the case of milling tools, VITA
Enamic is an interesting option from an
point. Not to mention,
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