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work in close collaboration with the engineers, who then design
and create the software that CEREC users depend on daily.
The beta testers and engineers are, for the most part, on the
same pagewith regard towhere the software should head. There
are days, however, when the two sides are in vehement disagree-
ment about a feature or tool.
The days when the beta testers have a different opinion than
the engineering team are frustrating ones. Different reasons are
given for why we can do one thing versus something that we, as
testers, want. Sometimes we are able to convince them to see it
our way. Many times we are not.
Funny thing is, if I look back at the times where, as users and
a tester, we wanted to see the software go in a different direc-
tion and now I look back, virtually every time I realize that the
engineers were right and that we were wrong. For example, the
minimal thickness parameter. For years the testers wanted to set a
minimal thickness and the proposal could not be thinner than that
parameter. Sounds great in theory, right? Imean, younever have to
worry about thin porcelain ever again, because the software will
automaticallymake it thick enough.Well, if youhave used the soft-
ware at all, you know that if you set this parameter too high, the
user spends an inordinate amount of time adjusting the proposal
because yes, the software can make the restoration thick enough,
but itdoes soregardlessofwhether thedoctorhaspreppedenough
of the tooth to give enough clearance for the desired thickness.
In the end, we should have listened to the programmers who
were hesitant to implement this parameter from the get-go.
Bottom line is that those engineering guys, they are smart.
So, when you look at the 4.3 software, perhaps it’s missing
some features that you wish it had. But instead of getting frus-
trated and thinking that the company doesn’t listen to what the
user wants, know that a tremendous amount of communication
occurs behind the scenes between the engineering team and the
beta testers to ensure that the software is not only robust, but
technically advanced.
I take this opportunity to tip my hat to the beta testers and
engineers out there. You knowwho you are, and it’s been a privi-
lege these past years to collaborate and work with you all to help
develop what, in my opinion, is a technological marvel that has
enriched the lives of countless CEREC users.
For questions and additional information, Dr. Puri can be
reached at
well, it’s here. sirona has released the 4.3 software
update. If you are a CEREC user, you have no doubt seen the
features from the last great update (version 4.2) in action in your
own practice. Things like model axis, abutments and bridges
have all essentially been designed to give the user a greater use of
their system in the office.
Version 4.3 brings even more to the table. Now you have the
ability to open the vertical dimension of occlusion, improved
margination, better-looking models and so muchmore. One only
has to go towww.cerecdoctors.comand viewthe videos on all the
great features.
If it seems that creating and releasing a new software version
is a simple task for the engineering team at Sirona, I can assure
you that nothing could be further from the truth. Despite the fact
that there is a building full of engineers at the companyheadquar-
ters in Germany working around the clock, testing and releasing
a new software version is a daunting task (to say the least) that
requires precise coordination between the engineering team and
the beta testers in the field.
If the base of users was a few hundred or a few thousand,
it would be easy to please them. But with more than 40,000
CERECusers worldwide—with one-third of those based here in
the United States — trying to capture features that appeal to such
a broad group can be a challenging task.
I’ve had the privilege of being a part of the beta testing team
since 2005. In that time, I’ve been involved in many discussions
regarding features that would theoretically improve the work-
flowof the softwarewith the folkswho actually have a say inhow
the final softwarewill look and feel. The testers around theworld
Tipping My Hat to the
Collaboration Behind 4.3
Version 4.3 brings even more to
the table. Now you have the ability
to open the vertical dimension of
occlusion, improved margination,
better-looking models and so
much more. One only has to go to and view
the videos on all the great features.
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