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dr. paul wulff has been practicing
dentistry in the Southwest for more
than 30 years. As his practice has grown
and changed, so has his passion for the
profession. He became a CEREC mentor
inMarch of 2010, and remains very active
in both the online and local communities,
helping to ensure that current and future
dentists have the skills to provide the best
possible care to their patients with access
to cutting-edge technology.
I contacted a few
months ago because I wanted to share a
story about bringing in the next genera-
tion of dentists. My son, Aaron, and I
have talked about going into practice
for a long time. As he was growing up,
I coached all of his sports teams: soccer,
baseball and basketball, and we figured
out early on that we work really well
together. Now that he is grown and
finished with school, we have a chance
to make that lifelong dream a reality.
I finished my biology degree at the
University of Arizona in 1973. I moved
to Lexington, Kent., where I went to
dental lab school, and then attended
the University of Louisville School of
Dentistry. I finished my degree in 1981,
and my wife and I headed back west to
settle down in Arizona in 1987.
Aaron has grown up in and around
a dental office and knew from a very
young age that he wanted to be a
dentist. After finishing his undergrad-
uate courses in Arizona, he went to U
of L for dental school. In Kentucky, he
had some of my classmates as profes-
sors, which I thought was so cool. Déjà
Dr. Paul Wulff & Dr. Aaron Wulff
Family Practice Thrives on a Simple Rule: Never Stop Learning
list of servicesweoffer, helping thepractice
grow. We currently have two front office
staff, four assistants, one full-time and two
part-time hygienists. Our team is the heart
and soul of our office. Right now we have
the best staff I’ve ever had in all my years
of practice. It’s so much fun going to work
every day, working with people who are
excited aboutwhat they do.
Paul: Six altogether: two hygiene, two
right-handed and two left-handed
operatories. We want a staff that’s as
passionate about taking care of people
and about dentistry as we are, and we
make an effort to surround ourselves
with like-minded employees.
Paul: Ours is a family practice. We work
with kids of all ages, from 2 to 102.
Paul: It’s been around the longest. It has
the best support, and the online commu-
nity is amazing. I found out a long time
ago that I wanted to be around dentists
who are as excited about dentistry as I
am. Of all the groups I’ve been a part of,
the group is the most
amazing. There are no egos that get in
the way of interacting and that is hard
to find. There are other machines that
do what this thing does, but the commu-
nity and the mentor groups are special,
something you don’t see anywhere else.
It’s a privilege to be a part of that.
Aaron: I was exposed to (CEREC) in
the military, but never did much with
it until I heard my dad raving about it.
When I joined his practice, I didn’t really
have much of a choice with him being so
excited about it. And I realized once you
get to use it, it’s hard not to get excited.
CEREC technology has diagnostic and
vu. When he finished school, he joined
the United States Air Force where he
completed an AEGD in Omaha, Neb.,
before heading to Wichita, Kan., where
he was assigned to the clinic at McCo-
nnell Air Force Base for three years.
After fulfilling his military commit-
ment, Aaron and his wife moved back to
Arizona, where he has joined me in my
practice in Prescott.
Having Aaron come into the practice
has been a great joy. Having two people
so passionate about dentistry, working
so closely together, it’s contagious. It’s
great to have the opportunity to do these
things together. I get a chance to pass on
my expertise while Aaron keeps me on
my toes with new techniques. I’m fortu-
nate to now have a partner to collabo-
rate with.
Paul: A long time. I’ve beenpracticing for
33 years. When I was in dental school,
we didn’t even wear gloves. It’s amazing
to see how medicine has changed and
grown. I love getting to learn the new
techniques and stay on forefront of tech-
nology. I’ve found that I’m not having
fun unless I’m actively learning.
Aaron: Almost five years; while I was
in the Air Force I received extra training
in oral surgery and sedation as well as
gained experience traveling around the
country, working on service men and
women of all ages in a variety of settings.
It’s exciting to move into private practice
and be able to take what I learned in the
military and apply it to the new office.
Paul: We are a growing, two-doctor prac-
tice. Aaron brings new skills to the office,
like surgery, IV sedation, implants, etc.;
things that I don’t do. That has added to the
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B Y M A R K F L E M I N G , D . D . S .
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